Saturdays 4pm Traditional
Sundays 8am Traditional + 10:45am Contemporary

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Weekend Lenten Series

Join us weekends in Lent for a series that focuses on John's narrative of the passion of Christ, the final days of Christ's life.

Midweek in Lent 7pm

Our Wednesday focus is Christ’s teaching and final moments with his disciples in the Upper Room.


Led by Pastor Nate Peregoy

Sundays at 9:30am / Fellowship Hall

Led by Rev. Roger Schlechte

Sundays at 9:30am / Rm 200/201


Our Mission

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We believe that God has a beautiful plan for everyone, a plan well beyond the ordinary. We are passionate about helping ordinary people know and share extraordinary life in Christ.




Stories Podcast

There’s power in story. Our stories have the catalytic potential to encourage listeners who get a larger sense of what God is up to in the world around us right now. When we share our story with others, we’re sharing how we’ve experienced extraordinary life in Christ!

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