Welcome to Kids’ Ministry!

Our ministry is fully devoted to caring for and teaching kids the Bible and the love and hope that Jesus Christ has for each and every child! OFLC Kids’ seeks to:

+ Provide opportunities for kids to learn about the big story of the Bible and the essentials of the faith.
+ Equip parents to know & embrace their role as primary teachers of the faith.
+ Connect kids with a network of caring adults who love Jesus and love them.
+ Help kids know that they are an important and valued part of our church family.

Save the Date: VBS will be July 14-18, 2025. Registration opens in April.

Sunday School at 9:30am / Lower Level

+ Please sign-up for Sunday School through button below.

Sunday Nursery Schedule

+ Available on Sunday morning under the age 5
+ Nursery capacity is 10 children
+ Please sign-up for the Nursery through the button below.



OFLC Kids’ Life!

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More on OFLC Kids’?