Listen & Grow Resources

Listen or download Faith Courses whenever and wherever you are. We’ll continue to expand our Faith Courses audio library for you, giving you another option to Grow in Faith.


Faith Course Library

Led by Pastor Nate Peregoy

Part 2 survey of Old Testament events, places, people and literature. 

Led by The Rev. Roger Schlechte

A fresh look into the crucifixion of Jesus and the impact for the 21st century Christian.

Led by Pastor Nate Peregoy

Part 1 survey of Old Testament events, places, people and literature. 


Led by Cassie Schermbeck

This course traces the given promise through the life of our Savior and see His glory now and for eternity.

Led by Pastor Micah Steiner

How to defend your faith and challenge unbelief in the modern world.

Led by Pastor Scott Abel

This course peers into the great mystery of what our eternal life will be like.


Led by Pastor Nate Peregoy

Discovering the basis and content of the devotional life by learning how to read and meditate on God’s Word.

Led by Pastor Micah Steiner & Cassie Schermbeck

Practical ways to follow Jesus as we are formed into disciples of Christ.

Led by Pastor Nate Peregoy

Exploring life and its meaning from a historic Lutheran Christian perspective.


Led by Pastor Scott Abel

Looking at the biggest issues we face in life from a grace-filled, Bible-based perspective.


Led by Pastor Scott Abel

An introduction to the major themes, events, and people in the Bible.

Led by Pastor Micah Steiner

Exploring Paul's clearest presentation of Christian doctrine in all of Scripture.


Led by Pastor Nate Peregoy

Focusing on the Gospel for more of its truth and implications for our lives.

Led by Cassie Schermbeck

Studying the basic doctrine of the Christian Church from the Lutheran perspective.


Led by Cassie Schermbeck

Presenting a systemic study of the basic doctrine of the Christian Church from a Lutheran perspective.