Financial Assistance for the Education of Church Workers
In 1999, as members of Our Father Lutheran Church celebrated their 25th year of ministry, they recognized their pastor’s 25th year of service to them as well. Rev. Donald F. Hinchey, Our Father’s founding pastor, was honored with a gift of $68,000, the beginning of the Donald F. Hinchey Scholarship Fund. The Fund’s purpose is to aid in defraying the financial burdens to those pursuing careers as full-time church workers.
Since its inception, the Fund balance has grown substantially to offer financial aid to those who have heard the Lord’s call to ministry and have responded by offering their lives to His service. Though Rev. Hinchey retired from ministry at Our Father in 2010, his years of service will live in legacy through these scholarships and future pastors and church professionals will be able to respond to God’s call through the generosity of so many members and friends of Our Father Lutheran Church.
Then I heard a voice of the Lord saying,
“Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?”
And I said, “Here I am. Send me.”
Young men and women who feel the calling to pursue training as Lutheran pastors, Directors of Christian Education, educators, deaconesses or other church ministries may apply.
Candidates may apply during their second or subsequent years of undergraduate school. Graduate students can apply during their first and subsequent years of school work.
Candidates must be enrolled as full-time students in declared majors of full-time church work. (Graduate students need not be full-time students.)
Scholarship awards are for one year, but may be renewed annually.
The deadline for applying is March 15, 2024.
Since inception, the Fund has given financial assistance of over $500,000 to young men and women who have given their lives to their Lord and His church in a variety of professional careers. In the giving of their gifts in full-time ministry, the Gospel is proclaimed and lived among God’s people, giving life and eternal life over and over again.
The Scholarship application link is only accessible from January 1 through March 15 of each year. During that time frame, please click on the link below to start your application process, which includes the application form itself and also several documents that will need to be uploaded. Once your application is complete and submitted, you will receive a confirmation email, which will ask you to provide a photo as the final step.
The Scholarship Application link will open on January 1, 2025. The deadline is March 15, 2025. Awards will be announced in May of 2025.
Supporting the Hinchey Scholarship
Financial assistance for the education of church workers is made possible through the generous giving of our donors to the Hinchey Scholarship Fund. We appreciate your support and generosity!
Make an Online Donation
You can make an online donation through the following link. Be sure to designate your gift as part of The Hinchey Scholarship Fund.
Mail In Your Donation
You can mail your donation to:
Our Father Lutheran Church
c/o The Donald F. Hinchey Scholarship Fund
6335 S Holly Street
Centennial CO 80121
We are grateful for your generosity and helping the Hinchey Scholarship make a difference!