Our Adult ministries are created to help you grow closer to Jesus through authentic relationships with God and one another. We encourage everyone to get involved in Adult Education courses, create community through joining a Huddle, and discover your gifts through serving others. We want to walk with you in your journey of growing in God’s love and finding His unique purpose for your life. We'd love to help you get connected.


Summer Adult Classes


+ College Age Bible Study
"Surprised by Hope" / Room 302 led by Caleb Fischer

+ Adult Bible Study / Fellowship Hall with Cassie Schermbeck
Join us for a three-week session on the Theology of Thought. We’ll explore what Scripture says about thinking, wisdom, discernment and understanding; what the world gets “wrong” about the way we think, and what we can do about it.

+ Family Sunday school in the Community Room

+ Student Ministry Summer Bible Studies 
6th-8th grade in the middle school room
9th-12th grade in the high school room

More Ways to Get Involved


Huddle Groups

Huddles are small groups that typically meet weekly for a year and focus on fellowship, discipleship, and leadership development. Huddles are a great environment for going deeper in your understanding and relationship with Jesus Christ.

Missional Communities

Missional Communities typically meet twice monthly in groups of 15-40. Groups are designed to share life together through worship, Bible study, meals together, serving on mission together in the communities, and/or mIssion trips to India, Honduras, and Mexico.

Serve Opportunities

Beyond Huddles and Missional Communities you can make a difference by serving and/or financially supporting local mission partners, global mission partners, or support various OFLC mission teams to India, Honduras, and Mexico.