Connection & Community: Trinity as the Model for Unity
Led by Cassie Schermbeck / Fellowship Hall / Begins Aug 22
We’ve enjoyed some time together between Sunday services at Pop Up Patio this summer after living a more isolated lifestyle for over a year than most of us ever had before March 2020. Let’s continue the conversation in a slightly more focused and intimate way over, through and around Scripture together. We’ll examine the relationship of the Trinity and explore together what it means to be made in God’s image to need one another.

Taught by Tom Hacker / Conference Room / Begins Aug 22
St. Paul wrote Ephesians to Gentile Christians (2:11, 3:1) living in a world where evil spiritual forces were in the heavenly places (2:2, 6:12) reminding them of God's love (2:4-5) and encouraging them to remain in their faith.

Jeremiah & Lamentations
Taught by Tim Schermbeck/ Upper Level (Room 302) / Begins Aug 22
Our ministry theme for the 2021-2022 year is A New Morning from Lamentations 3:22-23: “The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” Lamentations and Jeremiah give us perseverance in the midst of trials and suffering, hope in hopeless situations and a story of God’s faithfulness to His people in history, and today.

Introduction to Lutheran Teachings
Taught by Pastor Scott Abel / Community Room / Begins Sept 19
This introductory class about the God who comes down to us gives you an opportunity to explore life and its meaning from a Lutheran Christian perspective. It is a place to ask questions about the chief teachings of the Christian Faith as they are believed, confessed and taught in the Lutheran Church. The four week class is followed by an optional New Member Orientation on October 17.